Saturday, May 1, 2010


I've spent the last few days trying to sort out how I was going to rededicate myself to my eating mission.

I spent a lot of time trying to pin point where things went wrong, because unless I can be honest with myself about where I failed, I can't begin to know what to fix.

I pondered Chris' suggestions. I like the idea of having to earn treats, so this is definitely going on my rules. If I want ice cream, I'm going to have to bike to get it. I thought over the idea of making a menu for the week, and only buying those items at the grocery store... but that's just not how hubby and I role. We're not planners in that sense and I think having to decide my whole week on Sunday would make me crazy. I can see this working well for others (as it is for Chris and his lovely lady)just not for us. Shopping isn't really a problem for us, in fact it's one area where we are really good, in that we don't buy any processed junk... when we shop. And that is really what the problem comes down to. When we get too busy grocery shopping slips to the bottom of the to-do list; and when there is nothing inspiring in the fridge we eat out.

So how do I solve this problem? I like the idea of devoting Sunday's to picking some recipes,grocery shopping, making a meal in the slow cooker and having a few things in mind for the week ahead. I can always stop at one of the several grocery stores on my route home to pick up anything else we might need. One thing that was working really well for us before was cooking large batches and freezing half for when we didn't feel like cooking.

I haven't quite figured out how this is going to work when we spend weekends at the cabin. Perhaps we'll have to devote some Monday nights to the cause.

When we were talking about all this the other night hubby pointed out something that I hadn't even realized was a problem, but definitely is. I have to start doing more of the cooking. When we were doing well before he was doing 95% of the cooking, and when he got busy with school, etc. our old eating habits reared their ugly heads. So I have to take on at least half the responsibility for our meals.

I have also decided that I am going to try not to eat out at all for the next month. I need to re-frame how I think about my food, in that eating out has to become the rare exception, not a regular habit.

Lastly, I need to stay inspired. I've long known about myself that I am a "starter", definitely not a "finisher". I have a thousand crochet, jewelery and other projects strewn around my life to prove it. Hubby sighs every time I start something new, wondering if this is going to be the next project I sink time and money into just to abandon it a few weeks in. This might be my least favourite thing about myself... I'm easily bored of things and have trouble seeing projects through to the end. I'm still not sure what to do about this one. I can't seem to help getting all wrapped up in, and passionate about ideas and projects that catch my attention... I just can't remember the last time I saw one through to the end. So I'll have to keep thinking on that one... hopefully I'll come to some sort of answer before something shiny passes my way.

1 comment:

  1. I totally relate to this. I am also famous for starting and not completing and like you I have an observant partner to point this out. Example- This weekend I announced I was going to begin painting the basement. My man said, "Um great, please don't start it, paint half, get bored and then leave the rest for me to finish because I have other projects right now." I was appalled and I began full on with determination. He should be finishing the basement sometime next week...I painted a nice sunset color oil painting while I was down there though...
    It happens. At least we KNOW it happens and have supportive partners who also know. Can't change much about yourself until you know what it is that requires the change right? It's good to bring it into conscious awareness and take it on like a challenge you're better/ stronger than.
    I also relate to the cabin weekends dilemma. Not only is it easy to go off course there but typically if there are others around they are almost encouraging that you least when we go to the cabin it happens.
    On the earning treats thing- I think it's a good idea but what we try to do is also have decent substitutes on hand to combat the cravings. I've come to expect that it will happen at one time or another and I like to be prepared. If I can't grab something quick when the craving strikes chances are on that walk to the store the craving will evolve into a bigger one...for more goodies haha. So you can have back up home treats on hand to help. For example I know at some point in my week I will crave a salty snack. Instead of going for chips I will first turn to my cupboard and see if I can interest myself in air popped popcorn, seeds or nuts and sea salt is a staple in our home- forget gross table salt. My sweetheart goes for sweets so we'll have alternatives on hand for him too. If that fails, then yeah there should be a little working for the reward either before or after.

    Something shiny is in my line of vision now so...
    Good luck! :)
