Well, last night I did manage to pick up the book (Food Rules by Michael Pollan - $13.50, 25% off at Superstore right now). I'd been at the gym, which happens to be on the second level at Superstore. So afterward I went down and checked out their book section to see if they had it, which they did.
I got home feeling excited to get reading and start on this new venture. I hadn't taken two steps in the door when my husband announced that pizza was on it's way. I deflated a little bit. Maybe he saw the look on my face, because he immediately got appologetic. "I saw your post on Face Book today (see "Beginings"). I think it's great what you're doing. I'm really proud of you. There's stuff in the fridge if you don't want Pizza." I contemplated my options, knowing that the minute the pizza got in the door and I could smell it, I would want it. So then and there I formulated what is going to be my one and only no exceptions rule: Not too much. Mr. Pollan said it himself. In otherwords, don't over eat. I won't lie, I did do a little justifying on this one (I wouldn't be a good junkie if I didn't). The pizza was afterall, ordered from a local, family owned restaurant. While it does break some of the rules in the book (Eat whatever you want, but prepare it yourself) it does meet others (Don't eat food not made by a human). I weighed all this in my mind and came to the conclusion that I would eat TWO slices of pizza, and then I would go cut up some vegetables.
So, I'm not sure where MP would rate me in terms of success, but I'm going to put this one in the win colomn, and I like to think he would too. It allowed me to establish some good rules of my own, because after all, in the end I have to think for myself on this one. I decided that in addition to my no overeating rule, I'm also going to limit myself to two meals prepared outside my home each week. Maybe that sounds like a lot to some of you, but it's a step. I had thought about saying one, but I do enjoy a breakfast out on the weekends. I might have to eat them all at Fresh Cafe to stick with my other rules, I guess we'll see.
Hey man, you thought about it and set yourself some parameters...that's more than most can say. I approve your decision to put this in the win column. We should maybe all set up an in house brunch where we take turns cooking breakfasts in our homes on weekends. we can all try out new recipes and make sure that we're living by some of Pollen's rules.